

Dermaplane Treatment $75  

Dermaplane only, includes cleansing, then toning, moisturizer and sunscreen.


Dermaplane Facial  $85 

Includes Extractions and a revitalizing mask, for your particular concerns.


"The Red Carpet Peel" $95  

This is a Dermaplaning Treatment combined with a Lactic Acid Peel. It's incredibly rejuvenating yet so gentle that the peel can be given the day of a special evening event to give skin gorgeous radiance! 


What is a Dermaplane Treatment?

Dermaplaning is a safe, non-invasive treatment which uses a surgical blade at a forty-five degree angle gently stroked along the skin, to remove “peach fuzz”, as well as dead skin cells. Dermaplaning may be performed as a stand alone treatment or prior to other skincare treatments to enhance their effectives. This is a wonderful form of exfoliation that can be used with or without peels or microdermabrasion. This treatment requires no downtime and will effectively smooth acne scars and give you the smoothest, most radiant looking skin within minutes!


What are the benefits of having a dermaplaning treatment?

• Promotes smoother skin, radiant glow, and seamless makeup application.

• Removes soft facial hair (which will not come back thicker!).

• Enhances the effectiveness of other skincare products and treatments such as Chemical Peels and DiamondTome Microdermabrasion by providing deeper penetration.

• Reduces recent acne scars.

• Reduces fine lines.

• Produces immediate results with no downtime.


Is a dermaplane treatment a safe procedure?

When performed by a well trained professional, dermaplaning is very safe.


Will my hair grow back thicker?

No. This is physiologically impossible. There are two types of hair that grow on your body. Vellus hair, which when cut or removed will grow back the same size and shape, therefore, the main structure of vellus hair does not change and is not altered by dermaplanning. Terminal hair however, is physiologically coarse. When this hair type is cut it will always grow back coarse. Dermaplanning is designed to treat the vellus hair which is located on the face. Once vellus hair is cut it will maintain a blunt edge and this blunt edge will not physiologically alter the hair itself.


What areas can be treated?

Dermaplaning is performed on the face and neck only.


How often is the procedure performed?

Dermplaning is usually performed every 3-4 weeks. Treating the skin in this manner actually removes about 2-3 weeks worth of dead skin cells. The skin needs to complete its normal 30 day rejuvenation cycle before the treatment is done again.


Does the skin peel from dermaplanning?

Occasionally the skin will peel after a dermaplane. If the procedure is done in two week intervals, the growth cycle of your hair may not be complete; therefore you are treating skin unnecessarily. This may cause peeling to occur.


What skin types/conditions can be treated?

All skin types may benefit from dermaplanning. A dermaplane is not recommended if you have active acne or an excessive production of sebaceous gland oil. (Sebaceous glands excrete oil along the vellus hair). If the hair is removed, the oils may cause bacteria growth that can stimulate acne breakouts.


*All Facial Treatments include cleansing, toning, serum/moisturizing and sunscreen application.