Lash Extension FAQ's


How long do eyelash extensions last?

Who is authorized to apply eyelashes in Colorado?

Will I need to wear mascara after I apply eye lash extensions?

How often will I need a retouch?

Are the eye lashes attached to the skin?

Is the eyelash application process painful?

What are eye lashes made of, and how are they applied?

What if I don't like my eye lash extensions?

Why do lash extentions cost so much?

Why doesn't Lakewood Lash use "REAL" Mink Lashes?

Do you use a "medical grade" adhesive?

Can anyone wear eyelash extensions?

Will eyelash extensions cause damage to the natural eyelashes?


 How long do eyelash extensions last?

Usually 2-5 weeks.  It greatly depends on the client care routine. When eye lashes are applied they create a beautiful appearance, but if you do not do your part in protecting the work they will cost more and look less beautiful than they should. The better your home care the longer the eyelash extensions will last and the better they will look in between appointments. Lashes grow from the follicle, mature and then fall out.  Most people do not realize that their natural lashes fall out continuously. They constantly shed and replace themselves that is why with proper application you can wear semi-permanent eyelashes for years and not need a break.  Most clients return in 2-3 weeks for their re-lash appointments to keep them looking their best.  This is a 60-90 minute appointment.  Again, this varies depending on number of lashes you have, life style, your lash growth pattern, and most importantly, home care. Back


Who is authorized to apply eyelashes in Colorado? 

In Colorado you must be a Licensed Cosmetologist or a Licensed Esthetician, or RN to apply eyelash products of any kind.  Nail Technicians, Massage Therapists are not authorized to apply eyelash extensions unless they also hold and Esthetician or Cosmetology license. Top


Will I need to wear mascara after I apply eyelash extensions?

Eyelash Extensions will naturally darken your lashes as they will be fuller and more visible. No need for mascara! But if you’d still prefer to wear it, please use an oil free mascara made for eye lash extensions. Page top


How often will I need a retouch?

Eyelash Extensions, when cared for and with regular maintenance, can last well, up to 4 weeks. To maintain the fullness of the artificial lashes and to keep their perfect appearance, it is recommended that they are retouched every two to three weeks. Back


Are the eye lashes attached to the skin?

No, eyelash extensions are individually attached to your own natural lashes. One by one.  They are attached approximately 1/2-1 mm away from the eyelid. Top


Is the eye lash application process painful?

No, the application procedure is very comfortable and relaxing. Some clients find it so relaxing they fall asleep during the service. Page top


What are eyelashes made of, and how are they applied?

Eye lash extensions are synthetic lashes made of a light weight polyester material. These"artificial eyelashes" are made to look like your own natural lashes.  They create increased length and fullness. Extensions are available in many different lengths and thickness. The proper length and size is determined for each client by their lash stylist and multiple sizes are used for each client and are applied to your natural lashes one by one. Back


What if I don't like my eye lash extensions?

Eye Lash Extensions can be removed at any time by a professional lash artist. Top

Why do lash extentions cost so much?

Eyelash Extension, when performed properly, is a very intricate time consuming practice that requires a high level of skill and attention to detail. The products used at Lakewood Lash are of only the highest quality and are very costly. It takes a lot of time and practice to master the art of eyelash extension application. Lakewood Lash has set prices as competitively as possible for the amount of training and experience, quality of application and quality of products used. Page top


Why doesn't Lakewood Lash use "REAL" Mink Lashes?  

Real Mink lashes are artificially curled then sprayed with chemicals to hold this curl. Much like when you style your hair in the mornings. With heat, water and steam the eyelash may loose its curl and beauty. Authentic Mink eye lashes are also available in only one thickness which limits our style choices. Most importantly, it is difficult to verify the humane treatment of the animals from which these "eyelashes" are harvested. Back


Do you use a "medical grade" adhesive?

Yes, most of the time. But, why is this important? Medical grade refers to the purity of the ingredients used in the adhesive. Not the safety. Eye lash adhesive is not going on or into the body therefore the importance of purity is definitely over rated and mostly used as a marketing ploy. Consumers often confuse purity with safety. It the case of eyelash extentions, the ingredients in adhesives are all considered irritants. This is why it is important to have artificial eye lashes applied 1/2-1 mm away from the base of the lashes and allow for proper drying along with balancing the correct amount of adhesive for maximum bonding but minimum irritation. Again, this is why proper application training is important, along with the client adherence to all aftercare instructions. Lakewood Lash strives to use the longest lasting, most natural feeling and flexible adhesives available even if this means they are not medical grade. Top


Can anyone wear eyelash extensions?

Unfortunately not.  If you are very sensitive to adhesives such as medical tape, or glue for acrylic nails or hair dye you are most likely not a good candidate for lash extensions. Also, if you have difficulty with your thyroid and have thin, brittle hair and nails due to thyroid problems then eyelashes are most likely not a good choice for you.

Eyelash extensions can only be applied to the lashes you already have to make them thicker and longer. New eye lashes cannot be created to fill large holes or gaps. If your eyelashes are non-existent, it would be better to try an eye lash growth product.

Lastly, you must be able to comfortably lay down for a few hours and relax in order to have your extensions applied. Page Top


 Will eyelash extensions cause damage to the natural eye lashes?

Eyelash Extensions are very light and comfortable on the eyes. When applied professionally they do not damage the natural eye lash which can be the case with traditional self applied false eyelashes. Your lash technician will choose the correct length and diameter that will work safely with your own lashes, to prevent damage. With proper application, Eyelash extensions may be worn for years without damaging your natural lashes. Please note: Lash extensions must be professionally removed as well to prevent any damage. Page top