

$299 Per Treatment 

(Be sure to ask about cash discount)

 $750 Per Package of 3


*Micro needling Treatment Includes Consultation, Cleansing and numbing prior to service, along with Post Treatment Aftercare Products following the service. 


Microneedling (also called Collagen Induction Therapy CIT) involves the use of a hand-held, fast pulsing electronic device that uses tiny needles to pierce the skin. These tiny wounds are too small to cause damage, but induce your skin's natural healing reaction with the production of collagen and elastin. This healing reaction improves the thickness of the dermis as well as the epidermis, which then improves skin texture and reduces wrinkles. Microneedling also has a positive effect on hyper-pigmentation as well as on hypo-pigmentation, reduces disfiguring scars (including acne scars), stimulates new collagen fibers, improves blood supply and harmonizes pigmentation. Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT) can be performed on any skin type/color, and there is minimal downtime.

Depending on the condition(s) you want to address and how much improvement you're seeking, you may require a series of 3-5 Microneedling treatments. Skin continues to build new collagen for up to 6 months post treatment!


Pre Treatment 

  • You must discontinue Accutane for 6mos. prior to ANY treatment.
  • Discontinue use of Prescription Retin A 10 days pre and post treatment.
  • Do not take NSAIDs, such as Ibuprofen at least 24 hrs prior to service.
  • Do not drink alcohol within 24 hrs prior to service.


Post Treatment 


  • You may use Omega 6 Healing Balm and/or Hyaluranic Mineral Hydrator, and what is left of the stem cell serum used for your treatment, along with cold compresses as needed. 
  • Avoid hot baths/tubs, vigorous sweaty exercise and spicy foods.
  • Attention MEN: Do not shave for 2-3 days post treatment, depending on skin type.
  • To reduce discomfort, you may use cool compresses.
  • Try to sleep on your back with your head slightly elevated the night of your treatment.
  • Be gentle, Do not pick, peel, scratch or scrape skin as this may result in permanent scarring (worst case).


After 24hrs Wash with a gentle cleanser in the morning & evening until fully healed. Following your wash, apply 1 pump each of the 3 products from Antiage given to you post-treatment. Use these 3 products until they are empty (approx. 2wks), morning and evening. If your skin feels exceptionally dry, you may apply Omega 6 Healing balm (sparingly, only if needed) to alleviate dryness/discomfort for 3 days following treatment. Use a chemical free SPF30+ Sunscreen daily when going outdoors.  

  • It is imperative to apply SPF 30+ (beginning 24hrs after service) when exposed to sunlight to protect skin to achieve best results. It is normal to experience dryness, tightness, or peeling (similar to sun/windburn). Treatment is still successful even when there are no symptoms present.

Avoid for 24 hours: All skincare products and makeup (You may use Hyaluranic Acid, and what is left of the stem cell serum used for your treatment, along with cold compresses as needed). Avoid hot baths/tubs, vigorous sweaty exercise and spicy foods.

Avoid for 7 days: AHA's and BHA's such as Glycolic, Lactic, Salicylic acids, Retinols and Retin A, exfoliating scrubs and Enzymes, Clarisonic type face brushes, and depilitories (ie. NAIR).

Avoid for 14 days: Heavily chlorinated pools and hot tubs, tanning beds or sun exposure (use SPF30+). Avoid wearing tight clothing, waxing, laser, Microdermabrasion, and Chemical Peels on all treated areas.

Day 10 post-treatment, you may incorporate 1% Retinol into evening routine, beginning once weekly to boost collagen production and anti-aging results.

Depending on your skin's health and resilience after 14 days: you can return for your next Chemical Peel, Microdermabrasion, or Dermaplane treatment. You must wait 30 days for additional Collagen Induction Therapy (Microneedling).


Frequently Asked Questions:


How painful is Microneedling? A topical anesthetic will be applied to your skin prior to Microneedling. This makes the CIT more tolerable. Do not schedule your appointment immediately prior to, or during your menstrual cycle. 

How many treatments will I need? This varies from person to person. It's best to try 3 treatments spaced one month apart, but you will see results after just one. Results continue to appear for up until 6 months after the last CIT treatment.

Will this treatment cause bleeding? There may be pinpoint bleeding during the treatment, which will stop before you leave.

Will there be any "down time"? You'll feel a lot of heat immediately after treatment and your skin may be red for up to 24hrs. Followed by skin peeling for up to 5 days post Treatment. Do not workout or sweat, and be sure to stay out of the sun as much as possible for the first 24hrs.

What is the "Vampire Facial"?  In this treatment your own blood is extracted and put into a machine that separates your the blood from the plasma. This Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is then applied to your skin following the Microneedling (CIT) Treatment. It is believed that the PRP will cause your skin to rejuvenate faster than Collagen Induction Therapy alone. One thing to consider, if your skin is aging, do you really want your aged PRP put back into your skin? Stem Cell therapy offers the highest quality stem cells which are readily absorbed into the skin, for best results possible. *The stem cells come from the bone marrow of young people under the age of 25.


Who should NOT get Microneedling? 

  • People taking blood thinners or with cardiac abnormalities.
  • People with Eczema, Rosacea, Psoriasis or other chronic conditions.
  • Active acne or any broken or irritated skin, open sores or lesions.
  • Skin cancer, Melanomas, Dermal Fibromas or thin skin.
  • History of Keloid Scars, Scleroderma, Collagen Vascular diseases.
  • Diabetes, or other wound healing deficiencies.
  • Skin with presence of raised moles or warts (in some cases, these can be avoided).
  • Any active bacterial or fungal infection.
  • Any allergy to metal.
  • History of Herpes Simplex (facial), or Herpes Zoster.
  • Any Hemangiomas, or thin skin birthmarks.
  • Any Hemorrhagic Disorder or Hemostatic Dysfunction.
  • Pregnant or Breast feeding.


What products are safe use on my skin following my Microneedling Treatment(s)? You will be given a Post Treatment Kit following your treatment. It is NOT SAFE to use ANY product containing parabens, fragrance, or any other chemicals in the first 24 hrs post treatment.

*It is never safe to use products containing parabens or fragrance ingredients, but after Microneedling the skin's barrier is compromised. Normally less than 20% of what we put on our skin is absorbed into our system (thank goodness), but immediately post Microneedling up to 80% of what is put on the skin is directly absorbed. This is why, after extensive investigation, I chose Truth Treatments, which have ONLY ingredients naturally found in the skin, and are actually absorbed into the skin. There are no fragrances, fillers, emulsifiers or parabens. They are 100% active, and have nothing extra that isn't good for your skin.

What areas of my body can be treated with CIT? Microneedling can be performed on all parts of the body. It will help with hair loss and stretch marks too!

Why are Pregnant or Breastfeeding women NOT good candidates for CIT? Women's bodies need all of their nutrients to feed the baby, and to support their own health. Building new Collagen takes both energy and nutrients to the area(s) being treated. Therefore, it is best to wait.

How long will it take to see results? All skin is unique, so there is not an exact timeframe. Your skin will look and feel tighter and brighter almost immediately. If you are treating scars or wrinkles you will see changes each week as the skin changes and new collagen grows. Skin will continue to change for up to 6mos. post CIT. And of course, you will see more results the more treatments you have.