Skin Classic FAQS

How many Skin Classic treatments does it take, and how often can I get them? 

Can Milia, or Skin Tags in or around the lash line be treated? 

What CANNOT be treated with the Skin Classic? 

Is the Skin Classic Treatment painful?

Can I treat many different things at one time?

How much does the treatment cost?

How do you know what to treat, and what not to treat?

What Is the “Fitzpatrick” scale?

Can Fitzpatrick Levels IV-VI be treated?

What is Witch Hazel?


How many Skin Classic treatments does it take, and how often can I get them?

*The Skin Classic usually requires just one treatment. The only exceptions may be larger, and/or more heavily pigmented areas, as well as many broken blood vessels in one area. These may need different “layers” of treatment. The darkest areas will be treated first, and they will diminish in appearance. Then there may be another layer that once appeared light (compared to the darker areas previously treated) that is now more prevalent, and needs to be treated for ultimate skin clarity. You must wait an entire skin cycle (30 days) to get another treatment, because your skin will be completely healed by then.                                    


Can Milia, or Skin Tags in or around the lash line be treated?

Yes! Unlike lasers, which are attracted to pigment, and could therefore be more attracted to the pigment in the lashes, rather than the skin irregularity, the Skin Classic can safely treat the skin exactly on the spot, without disrupting the eyes or eyelashes. So you can say good bye to the highly visible lumps around the eye area!


What CANNOT be treated with the Skin Classic?

Anything on the lower body. Because it is further from the heart, it takes too long to heal. For leg veins its best to go to a specialist who can inject saline, and use lasers to treat all the different colors and sizes of veins. You may be required to use compression garments during the healing process.

Anything with its own blood supply. Moles for instance, have veins and sometimes hair running through them need to be examined and treated by a Dermatologist to be sure they are not cancerous.

Deeper veins that are more bluish in color, and not on the surface.

Actinic Keratosis is a common precancerous skin condition caused by excessive exposure to ultraviolet light. They are rough, dry, tan or pink colored blemishes that often appear on facial skin near the eyes, on the nose, on the ears, or the lips or other parts of the body that receive intense sunlight, such as the back of the hands. They are most common in fair-skinned, middle-aged or elderly individuals, who may have a single lesion or many. They flake and peel and fall off, only to start over again and must be treated by a Dermatologist.

Melasma, or the “Mask of pregnancy”, is a VERY common skin pigmentation issue that causes dark, blotchy, and uneven skin tone on sun-exposed areas, chiefly on the face and neck. It is more common in women than in men and generally appears for the first time in the 20s to 50s, or during pregnancy. It may appear as a patchy mustache, and/ or dark uneven patching along the jawline, with a distinct difference from skin underneath the jaw. It is best treated with Microdermabrasion, and/or Chemical Peels or IPL. But the most important thing is to use a Retinol product, and wear physical sunscreen daily because it looks worse and gets worse with sun exposure.


Is the Skin Classic Treatment painful?

The treatment is tolerable because it only feels hot when the probe is touching the skin. As soon as the probe is lifted the sensation stops. The treatment usually does not require any anesthetic, but you may request it, at an additional cost ($25), if you are more sensitive.


Can I treat many different things at one time?

YES!! You can get your brown spots, broken capillaries, and skin tags treated all at once. Or any other combination of skin irregularities.


How much does the treatment cost?

$25 per spot, or anywhere from $99-$199, depending on the number of skin irregularities to be treated, or $199 for a full area (60mins).  A full area consists of a full neck/decollete, full face, 1/2 back, upper arm etc. But if your face and chest don’t have a large amount they may be treated as 1 area.


How do you know what to treat, and what not to treat?

With use of the DermLite device. The device enables the trained eye to see a multitude of skin conditions clearly. The DermLite is a magnification lens with a light-emitting diode (LED) lighting, with polarizing filters so there is no glare when examining the skin. It makes it easy to distinguish a mole from a skin tag for instance. Melasma, Actinic Keratosis, and Sebaceous Hyperplasia are easy for me to discern both from the experience I’ve gained being an Esthetician, and especially the years I spent working in a Dermatology office. But, if there is any question, I employ the use of the DermLite.


What Is the “Fitzpatrick” scale?

It is a numerical classification scale for human skin color. For example,

-Type I- always burn, never tans (palest,freckles)

-Type II- usually burns, tans minimally

-Type III- sometimes mild burn, tans uniformly

-Type IV- burns minimally, always tans well (moderate brown)

-Type V- very rarely burns, tans very easily (dark brown)

-Type VI- never burns (deeply pigmented dark brown to darkest brown)


Can Fitzpatrick Levels IV-VI be treated?

YES !  Because the device uses electro-desiccation, rather than laser (which can cause hyper-pigmentation) any color skin may be treated. The only difference with darker skin, is that after the area is healed, it will take up to a full skin cycle 30 days to regain its normal pigment.


What is Witch Hazel?

Witch Hazel is a natural astringent that is derived from a plant. The leaf, bark, and twigs are used to make medicine that is often used as a topical remedy. It contains several compounds with potent anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties, which may be useful in treating a variety of skin conditions.